Sunday, February 20, 2011

back a new man

Back from Cincinnati, Kyle, Gender-bender, and Randy Newman.

Before Newman came out.  The venue was as perfect as the show.
The thing from Goonies? OH, NO it's a VaGiNa HeAd

Monday, February 7, 2011


Some are dedicated followers of fashion.  I'm a dedicated follower of THE LIBRARY.  Just got back from there a moment ago.  I order things through CLEVNET, "A consortium of 31 library systems across 9 counties in Northeast Ohio", and they arrive at the Hudson Library.  When something is ready to pick up they call me and leave an automated message, "Hey Joe, what the fuck is up?  We got some shit you ordered.  Come and pick it up in seven days or else!"  So, I usually pick it up ASAP.  The thing is.. they don't say WHAT is ready to pick up.  I'd have to look online for that and I like being surprised.  So I went tonight not knowing if it's one, two, three, or more things.  And honestly.. I usually forget what I ordered till I go and pick it up.  When I got there I grabbed a Randy Newman album and asked the nice old librarian if I could check out this CD and whatever I have to pick up.  She brings back two movies: "Pixar Short Films Volume 1" and "The Seven Year Itch".  "Sweet, sweet" I think "I just ordered these.  They came fast."  And then she says I have one more but she's not quittttee sure where it is.  In my head "Haha Oh man..I wonder if it's that foreign porno that I ordered a while ago."  There's always a few perverse things on my ordered list.  She goes in the back for a while- comes out- can't find it.  I say it's no big deal "I'll pick it up later this week".  Instead she keeps trying to find it (meanwhile the line is know monday nights and all)- a young man librarian sees that she needs help.  He goes grabs it and brings it to check out.  OH, OF COURSE IT'S THE ORGASM ANSWER GUIDE.  Ha, ha, ha  I love my job.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time is on my side...yes it is?

I've had this as my wallpaper for a good while- I love it so much!
I don't want to blog/journal right now but I haven't for a number of days!  I really want to work on a song I've been working on the past week.  It's going well composition and production wise!

I had to sign a contract the other day that said I wouldn't do any "sexual things" with any of the other employees while working there.  It also told me to refrain from any "romantic overtures".  ROMANTIC OVERTURES?  A gold star to whoever worded that one.  I couldn't help but get the feeling the contract was saying "Act like a robot and show no sign of love or care for your employees while at work".  Needless to say I signed it.  Like that changes how I will act towards other humans?

Also, I found out that I can get bonuses.  If a customer sends an email saying how awesome I was or what a great help I was I will get extra money.  Two of my coworkers said to say my name a lot so people know it.  "Hey I'm Joe, let me know if you need anything."  UGH!  Fuck that.  I have a name tag- that will do.  I don't care to know these people's names any more than they do mine and I refuse to change my reason to helping people from it being my job and humanity towards getting those extra dollars.  Sick.  *pukes*


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mickey's Morning

House show/part was last night.  Jammed out on bass in "Mutts Revenge".  It was our first show and couldn't have asked for it to go better.  Good people all around.  Loud.  Fun.  Look forward to playing the Grog Shop on Wednesday.  Note: never played a show drunk- can't tell if I drank too much or just the right amount.

Ha, Ha what is a RAT HAMMER?
I know I had more to say but my head aches and I need to eat and find my phone.

"The greatest generation 
Your parents aren't the greatest generation 
So sick of hearing about the greatest generation 
That generation could be you 
So let's see what you can do "

Korean Parents by Randy Newman

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm queer! I'm here! Wanna buy me a beer?

Just read this article about Mr.David Kato," a fast talker, fidgety, bespectacled, slightly built" gay african american high school teacher.  He spoke up for a Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill.  He's dead.  "Shows him!"  They killed him and he was beautiful.  Stir the hate- it's boiling.  Here is the article:

Speaking of gay black men!  

Julius Eastman 

Got an album of his from the library and have been enjoying it.  It really fits my mood as of lately.  It also goes along with and encourages the musical experimentation I'm doing.

Download CD 1
Download CD 2
Download CD 3

Don't work this weekend.  I won't have time to pursue creative endeavors but I will be very socially active.  It's will be nice to have the sleep.  

Been watching C-SPAN 1 at work.  There's a lot of the old and heartless.  Some of those people just happened into their jobs.  "Hmmmm.. guess I'll represent a large amount of humans and their rights.  Ya. Sure. Why not?- it pays well!  THANKS LOBBYISTS"  

One of 11 congress members to vote against Katrina Aid??! lol
One recurring buffoon is Rep. Virginia Foxx.  I always remember her for her kick-ass name.  (Note the TWO x's in her last name: Foxx.  So sexy.  If only Ricky Berstein had asked her out to prom she wouldn't have turned into such a reched bitch.)  Good vote North Carolina, 5th District Winston-Salem!  Please, Virginia..quit your job!  I'll turn you into a porn star and take you through a spiritual transformation.  You won't even have to change your name- it's already a porn name!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've seen...A MONSTER!

Last night I got some really good sleep.  After being out really late the past 3 or 4 nights in a row, my body celebrated by not moving for a good 7 hours.  (Sometimes celebrations don't have to have all the confetti and booze)  Really intense dreams filled these 7 hours of rest- the kind that stay with you for the rest of the day.  The only image I can remember from these dreams is the end of the last one.  Surprise.  Most of my dreams are stressful and this was no different.  I was running from "something" cause I did "something" and all of a sudden I tripped. *BAM*  I turn over and see a creature- The head of a Giraffe and the body of a snake with Giraffe like patterns all over.  It's head shoots out towards me with fiery speed, making the sound of some wicked wildcat, and it grabs a soccer ball (the one right beside me of course) and retreats it's head back.  I woke up with a scared reaction..then puzzled...then funny.  "Hahaha, never has a Giraffe been scary till now."  I was going to photo edit a giraffe with a snake to illustrate the dream creature but I am too happy to find a picture of a Giraffe-worm creature done by  user "joenis" on the site

I bought "Social Network" today.  Being a movie lover, that's a big deal.  I'm suppressing all the excitement for watching it tonight.  I like knowing least about a movie as possible before seeing it so don't expect much if any movie reviews on here.

The last thing I wanted to do was transcribe (Wait...transcribe..HA!  I can just scan it!) scan something from a book I'm reading called "Hardcore from the Heart".  It's about porn star, artist, activist etc. Annie Sprinkle.  [This is actually where I got the name for my blog: Public Cervix Announcement]